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  • Magitel
  • µî·ÏÀÏ 2016-03-18 00:21

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English-Korean:Translation, Proofreading/Writing, Acting call

I graduated from a very prestigious college located in South Korea. Therefore,I can guarantee my Korean writing ability is impeccable. I have worked professionally for two companies, and have experience in personal English interpreting. As of recently, I graduated from an English school residing in Seattle WA then was relocated to Washington DC for an job at a global retail corporation. Additionally, I have been living with my girlfriend who was born and raised in America and is a native English speaker.

We know our service will be to your utmost satisfaction for we take all assignments given to us earnestly. Currently we are not participating in very much outside work giving us a significant amount of available time we will dedicate to our personal translating jobs. That taken into account, we only present our most professional work after putting forth a significant amount of consideration and time.

Furthermore, the duty will be performed by myself (Korean native) and an additional English native with full coordination to assure the best result. Weaccommodate to English-Korean translations or vice versa. The services we offer but not limited to are, any form of Korean/English translating; calling or contacting on your behalf, website or video translation, and proofreading/writing.

We believe the method of working with two natives coordinately is the most effective due to no room for miscommunication and language fluency on both ends of the translation. In some translations you will notice some odd grammatical/spelling errors or a completely misinterpreted message. However with our system everything will be done accurately and without wait, since we will be working on the same table. Please only serious inquiries

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