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What we are looking for

• 3+ years with client side frameworks such as React, Angular, VueJS etc
• Excellent HTML/CSS skills – you understand not only how to build the data, but how to make it look great too.
• Excellent understanding of object-oriented Javascript, Typescript
• Strong experience in all aspects of client-side performance optimization
• Deep understanding of http/s protocol, data structures/Json
• Optional experience with backend languages/frameworks, such as .NET, .NET Core, Java, Scala, NodeJS, Go or Python.
• You love new technologies and approaches and want to use the best tools available. We want people who can help us continually evolve our stack.
• You have a good command of the English language.


What will be new for you

We are looking for people who truly want to become full-stack engineers. This position is to join our website development team and while your current skills will be strengthening our top-of-the-stack expertise, you will also get your hands into server-side engineering such as implementing your own web-apis and services from http endpoints to data access and microservices.

If you are passionate about expanding your horizon to full-stack engineer as you are passionate about front-end technologies, this job is for you!


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