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Oh No Ono - Icicles (덴마크)

  • aronia
  • 등록일 2020-10-17 10:48
  • 조회수 243

시리즈게시글 아이콘[유럽 음악] 시리즈 시리즈란?

Oh No Ono - Icicles



I see icy flakes hiding frozen lakes
One by one and on and on they go in the sea of snow mother
Mother mother mother


I see icicles swing like crystal bells
Hear they clearly call and I can tell
It's a magic spell mother
Mother mother mother


I would sing along if I had I tongue
But I'd never walk into the wrong house to help the wrong mother
Mother mother mother


Other mothers hide their sympathy
No one dares to talk though you're asleep
Sleep sleep sleepyhead (sleepwalking)


Dream on dreaming on and on and on and on.....
Sleep sleep sleepyhead (keep walking)
Till the dream is gone...


I see eyes so cold look into my coals
Please don't leave me standing in the snow
With a carrot nose mother
Mother mother mother


Naked in the snow do you have to go
I can't live without you in my sticks
Am I getting sick mother

Start to lose my form never been this warm
Now I'll never walk into the wrong house to help the wrong mother
Mother mother mother

Other mothers light their christmas trees
No one dares to talk though you're asleep

Sleep sleep sleepyhead (sleepwalking)


Dream on dreaming on and on and on and on.....
Sleep sleep sleepyhead (keep walking)
Till the dream is gone...












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