Waste King L-8000 Legend Series 1.0-Horsepower Continuous-Feed Garbage Disposal
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Ĺм ݴ밡 50 Ĺݴ뿡 90 Ĺݴ ֽϴ.
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༮ Ƹ 2,284 4.5 ̻Դϴ.
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߿ 87.97 ǮȽϴ.
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110Ʈ ̶ б ʼԴϴ.
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ϳؽ ż ûϸ ۺ ǰڽϴ.
1.0-horsepower motor with a high speed of 2800 rpm
Stainless steel swivel impellers reduce jamming and a removable splash guard makes it easy to clean
Insulated stainless steel grinding components reduce noise
Fast-and-easy mount system includes all the necessary hardware for hassle-free installation, including drain elbow and gasket.
Rust free grinding components with a lifetime warranty against corrosion
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: http://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1001774062
ǰ : http://www.dalseong.daegu.kr/dalseong/administration/bbs.html?mods=view